Capability Amplifier Episodes
David Horsager; The Most Researched Expert on Trust
What is the best way to drive results in all areas of your life? Do you struggle with your employees, clients, marketing or your net promoter score? Maybe you’re struggling with your marriage, or your relationship with your kids? There is a KEY CHALLENGE that you have and it's one simple word… TRUST. The question…
Listen Now Presentism; Understanding History
What is “Presentism?” It’s defined as: uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts. Let’s put it in terms that might be easier to understand in 2021. Today there is a general lack of understanding of history and geography. Generation Z has been raised…
Listen Now Everything You Need to Know About NFT’s and Cryptocurrency
Has your news feed been bombarded with articles about NFTs over the last few weeks and months? Did you know that one NFT just sold for $69 million dollars at the world famous Christie’s Auction House? Wondering what the hell NFTs are and why everyone seems to be obsessed with them? No worries… we’ve got…
Listen Now Meet the Guy Who Taught Reese Witherspoon and Bradley Cooper How to Sing
You’ve heard the expression, “find your voice,” but what does that really mean? We all have a “voice” but do you think about using it to get more of what you want out of life? Better relationships, better business deals, more exposure, more income… Roger Love says we need to think about the sounds we…
Listen Now How to Add an Extra 5-10 Quality Years to Your Life
According to the Alzheimer's Association, more than 5 Million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s and by 2050 that number is projected to rise to nearly 14 Million. It’s the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or Dementia and it kills more than Breast Cancer…
Listen Now Think About Your Thinking to Achieve Financial Freedom
Are you clueless about financial planning? Do you have a 401k, sitting there, wondering what it’s doing? Do you even know what it’s supposed to be doing for your future? Are you still under the impression that you shouldn’t touch your 401k until it’s time to retire? Do you think you’ll have no money to…
Listen Now How to Generate Passive Income + Cash Flow Quickly with Justin Donald, the Lifestyle Investor
Imagine if you were able to create enough passive income and cash flow from investments so that you never had to work another day in your life? What would you DO with your financial FREEDOM? Travel to exotic places? Buy your dream home? Spend more time with loved ones? Donate lots of $$ to your…
Listen Now 10 Post Pandemic Opportunities to Grow Your Business in 2021
What are the TOP 10 Opportunities hidden in plain sight or available right now to grow and scale your business now EVEN IF you were affected by the pandemic? That’s what this episode is all about, along with the latest trends, gadgets and investments to focus on to take advantage of the current climate and…
Listen Now REWIND — Rich Litvin – “The Accidental Entrepreneur”
WOW. The end of 2020 is here and I, for one am glad to see it go… but I am looking forward to the year ahead and reflecting on all of the GREAT things that happened this past year. That’s why we’re gifting you with a REWIND episode of our #1 downloaded podcast episode today!…
Listen Now The “Talent Stack” Strategy
Admittedly the last 8 months have been rough on most of the world. Who could have imagined we’d be here, in a real-life pandemic? It’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. We’ve been dealing with restrictions, lockdowns, isolation, and businesses closing, evolving, and changing on a dime. It hasn’t been easy… But believe it or…
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