Capability Amplifier Episodes
Why High Achievers Check Out Early
In this episode, Dan reveals that he filled 60 notebooks only for them to be washed away in a flood. He could have mourned this, but instead chose to see it as closure to a past era. Mike shares a similar experience where he threw away every box he had after his divorce. These are…
Listen Now 10 Steps to a $15 Trillion Free Zone Economy with Dan Sullivan
What is best in threes? You probably don’t think of collaborations – but – then, maybe you should rethink that. n this episode of Capability Amplifier, we dive deep into the secret sauce of collaboration, why three is better than two, and how it could lead to massive wealth. Dan Sullivan drops some serious knowledge…
Listen Now Live Longer and Live Better with Dr. Tracy Gapin
Fact: You don’t get tomorrow back. As a cancer survivor, Mike Koenigs knows exactly what it means to face mortality. Your life flashes before your eyes, and instantly, your perspective changes. What you care about changes. What you prioritize changes. AND, how you prioritize your health has to change or you may not make it,…
Listen Now Fast Track Your Best Customers
In this game changing episode, Super Power Accelerator Founder, Mike Koenigs, and Genius Network Founder, Joe Polish take a deep dive into the work of Ai and entrepreneurship. Joe says, “Everyone here [at the filming event] is here because they want something: productivity, better clients, more money…and they're looking at utilization of AI as a…
Listen Now Get Into the Bedrooms & Bathrooms of Your Perfect Customer
Fun fact: 60% of high-value readers now prefer audiobooks—a trend amplified by the pandemic. This accessibility aligns with the modern inclination towards integrating audio into daily routines. Audiobooks and podcasts have become essential for engaging business audiences, leading to potential sales boosts. Not only can Ai help you do this quickly and efficiently, Ai can…
Listen Now The Secret To Auditioning Your Dream Team and Why You Need to Start “Casting, Not Hiring”
Today’s podcast is going to completely shift how you think about hiring and building teams. Dan dropped a major revelation during the conversation – instead of “hiring” people, we should be CASTING them like a theater director casts actors for roles. Dan and Jeff Madoff are working on a new book called “Casting, Not Hiring”…
Listen Now The Birth of the “Clear Collar” Worker (Are You One?)
Mike can't wait for you to hear this week’s podcast. It's going to change the way you think and live in today’s world. Mike & Dan explored the massive shifts happening as Artificial Intelligence goes mainstream – destroying some jobs and creating incredible new opportunities for others. Dan dropped a genius new concept that Mike…
Listen Now 3 Steps To Achieving Optimal Health and Performance At ANY Age
If you care at all about your health and longevity, drop whatever you're doing and listen to today’s podcast with Mike's good friend Regan Archibald. It's a mind-expanding ride into the latest breakthroughs for dramatic life extension and age reversal that you do NOT want to miss. Imagine doubling your energy levels, increasing your sleep…
Listen Now How To Double Your Revenue By Selling To High-Value, Conservative Customers
If you’re a business owner or founder, Mike has an eye-opening episode to share with you today. Mike sat down with his friends, Kurt and Kristen Luidhardt, who have a super unique approach for rapidly growing your business by tapping into what they call “Liberty Spenders” – a lucrative market of 40% of the U.S.…
Listen Now English as a Second Language (It Powers the Planet)
Grab your headphones and get comfy because today’s podcast with Dan Sullivan is another must-listen episode! It was one of the most fascinating conversations Mike has had in a while — all about the rise of English as the global language and how it's shaped culture, business, and even our individual mindsets. Dan makes a…
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