Capability Amplifier Episodes
5 Best Crypto Investment Hacks for 2022
My friend Brad Costanzo and I will be discussing some of our main crypto secrets. Brad Costanzo is an incredibly brilliant trader, marketer, serial entrepreneur, and host of the Bacon Wrapped Business podcast. Read more about our portfolios and many exciting aspects of the current crypto landscape (what to buy, altcoins, safely storing cryptocurrency,…
Listen Now How to 10x Your Coaching Business Revenue
Mike interviewed Michael Chu and discussed how you could grow and scale any coaching business without it depending on you. Michael Chu started practicing martial arts at age three. He didn’t know it then, but the discipline learned in sports would help him stick to something he wasn’t good at when he started: sales.…
Listen Now A Day in the Life of Dan Sullivan – High-Performance Routine for Entrepreneurs
Dan Sullivan, my podcast co-host, is a clear example of success both in his personal and business life. In this episode, I get together with him to discuss his main habits, routines, and life hacks. We know Dan. He is the founder and president of The Strategic Coach Inc., a visionary, innovator, and…
Listen Now 4 Key Elements of a Powerful Story
This week, Mike joined Justin Breen to discuss his powerful storytelling system, the four key things that all great entrepreneurs use to make their stories awesome. Every person is born with a gift. And while Justin admits he can’t fix a laundry machine to save his life, there are other things he can do exceptionally…
Listen Now How to Extend Your Life
Let’s meditate on a simple question for a moment. Simple but important: How long will you live? You must have a number of years in mind. 83? 95? Perhaps 107? It isn’t anything complicated. However, the answer to this question is one that most people avoid confronting at all costs. They are afraid of what…
Listen Now How to Buy Your Company with Someone Else’s Money & Create Multiple Liquidation Events
You know how hard it is to grow, build and scale your business. Most of your net worth is tied up in your business and at risk. Welcome to the entrepreneurial roller coaster!🤮 What if you could: “buy money at a discount” (with no risk) 10x your revenue and buy your company so you can…
Listen Now How to Be Relatable and Build Trust
Money loves speed and time kills deals. The more likable you and your brand is… …the faster you connect, built rapport, earn trust… …the faster the deals close. The fastest way to build a strong connection is through shared experiences and storytelling. A KEY ingredient of your storytelling is AUTHENTICITY. Being your genuine self and…
Listen Now Three Ways To Heal Your Body With Energy
As an entrepreneur, CEO or founder, you are prone to inevitable stress. When you’re stressed, it shows up in your body in all types of crazy ways AND it affects your energy and overall well being. Imagine…Waking up EVERY DAY feeling your absolute best. Completely invigorated, relaxed, and ready to take on anything the world…
Listen Now How To Create and Launch a New Business in 3 Days
Have you had a profitable exit from your successful business and in the back of your head you’re thinking, “Was this a fluke?” “Was I just lucky?” “Could I ever do it again?” Maybe you’ve still got lots of energy and aren’t quite ready to sit on a beach sipping Mai Tai’s full-time? Maybe you’ve…
Listen Now The Founder Exit Business Model
This is for you if you want to start, scale and exit your business and walk away with freedom of time, money, relationship and purpose, plus reinvent yourself in the process. One of the things Mike has noticed in meeting with thousands of founders over the years is they get to a point in their…
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