Capability Amplifier Episodes

Hunting With African Bushmen + Creating Community With Eric Edmeades

This week, I had the incredible opportunity to chat with Eric Edmeades, a fascinating individual, a TRUE visionary, and an all-around #SuperBeing. Keep reading because you’re in for a real treat!
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Breakthroughs Are In The Obstacles

Get Inspired, Get Creative, Solve Problems, And Get Paid For It.
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Joseph McClendon III – What It’s Like To Almost Die Because Of The Color Of Your Skin

Do you have someone in your life you’re in awe of? Someone who’s been such an incredible mentor, teacher, inspiration, and friend that you feel blessed to know them at all? Joseph McClendon III is one of those people for me.
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Are You Burned Out? How To Reclaim Your Passion

This week on the show, Dan and I discuss “Not Being Bothered,” It's a big idea that Dan loves to talk about.
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A Conversation With “The Larry King Of Podcasting,” Jordan Harbinger

This week’s episode features the strongly opinionated and often controversial Jordan Harbinger, a top podcaster with millions of downloads who is referred to as “The Larry King of Podcasting.” He knows what he’s talking about when it comes to podcasting AND he’s done his research on YouTube so he has some real, honest insight into both platforms.
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Reinvention AND Transcendental Meditation With Marci Shimoff

Happy Holidays! I sincerely hope you’re taking time to relax and enjoy this time of year with your family and friends. My gift to you is an extra special, feel-good podcast with a little touch of “woo-woo” on top.
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Capitalism Couldn’t Exist Without Religion

No religion, no capitalism. That’s the focus of this week’s must-listen episode.
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Building In Space With Robots And Jim Keravala

When I was growing up, Blade Runner was one of my favorite movies. I’ve also been a big fan of Peter Diamandis and his books Abundance and Bold. Both make me think about infinite abundance of materials available to us in space.
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RIGHT NOW Is The Time To Reinvent Your Business!

RIGHT NOW is the time to reinvent your business! Are you tired of your business and want a big change or shift in your life? How about SIMPLICITY? Would you like to “get off the road” and out of the grind? Are you the type of person who likes things to stay the same and last forever OR the type who likes change and reinvention (like ME!)?
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Talking To Robots With David Ewing Duncan

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know that I’m a total TECH GEEK! I love learning about ANYthing new in the world of emerging technology: AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning), VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), IoT (internet of things). The future possibilities are super exciting and at times … can be scary as hell. Tech is a double-edged sword. It can be used for good or evil … even though technology itself is neutral.
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