Capability Amplifier Episodes

CA Episode 192

How Ai & Humans Co-Create Billion-Dollar Ideas

Your audience is an incredibly powerful creative team compounding wisdom, platform, and unique ideas. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and I break down how entrepreneurs can use their audience as an integral part of the creative and innovation process—not just passive consumers. There is a mental universe that drives entrepreneurs toward long-term, sustainable success. Regardless…
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Teamwork, Purpose, and the Future of Young Men

1 in 6 young men today is suffering from depression. Many feel lost, disconnected, and without a compelling future. And if we look closer, there’s a pattern: Fewer male role models. A lack of purpose, mentorship, and belonging. The disappearance of traditional rites of passage into adulthood. When young men don’t find healthy teams and…
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CA Episode 190

How Media Mastery Shapes Politics from Roosevelt to Trump

I've been doing podcasts since the early 2000s – before it was mainstream and way before it was easy. I remember when you needed a “hack” just to get these audio files onto your iPod. (Remember those things?) It's wild to think about how far it's come. Back then, people thought it was a giant…
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CA Episode 189

The 4×4 System To Cast & Inspire Your Most Productive Team

Managing teams and projects can be a huge time suck for results-driven quick-starts like you and me. It just isn’t efficient. I was talking to Dan Sullivan about this and he shared The 4×4 Method that has the power to move your team beyond traditional management and empower them to take ownership of their roles.…
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Our Blueprint for Health, Longevity, and Limitless Ambition

In 1987, Dan set a goal to live until he was 156. That was ambitious then, but it might not be that ambitious now. Today, we have access to over 750,000 biomarkers that give us real information about what is happening inside our bodies. But the sad truth is, our current medical system is 30…
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Our #1 Health Secret: The Carnivore Diet

When your gut is messed up, your head is messed up. I know this first hand because the reality is I’ve never been the same since I had colorectal cancer. I battled years of gut issues, discomfort, and pain. I’ve tried everything you can think of but nothing has worked as well as the Carnivore…
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How To Get UNSTUCK and Scale A Business (That Doesn’t Kill You)

You're making good money but working yourself to death, or worse… you’re a “Poorly Paid Thought Leader” with followers but an empty bank account. Sound familiar? JJ Virgin and I have worked together for over a decade, and we've both been through the entrepreneurial meat grinder and lived to tell about it. When I had…
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Top 7 Passive Income Tips For 2025

 He is known as the Lifestyle Investor. He started investing at 18 with a ROTH IRA, and became a multi-millionaire before he turned 40. And it all started because he wanted to replace his wife’s 36K teaching salary – and in less than a year, he did. Now, Justin Donald is an expert in…
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Capability Amplifier - Episode 184 - Ivan & Mariana Polic

Ivan, Mariana and The American Dream

What if tomorrow you were on a path to double your revenue, triple your profit, and quadruple your freedom…for the rest of your life. Meet Ivan and Mariana Polic: The Visionary and The Fixer. They are your quintessential American Entrepreneurial Success Story and Power Couple Dream Team. Born in war-torn Serbia. Ivan, a former professional…
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Capability Amplifier Episode 183 - Eram Saeed

Building The Bridge From East to West with 1 Billion Entrepreneurial Muslim Women

 “I was told I didn't matter, that my only value was in being a good wife and ‘Achi-Bachi.' But I refused to accept that. I broke free from centuries-old cultural conditioning and trauma and created a new path – the Jamali Method. Jamali is a mission and movement to bring freedom and purpose to…
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