REWIND — Rich Litvin – “The Accidental Entrepreneur”
Episode 72

WOW. The end of 2020 is here and I, for one am glad to see it go… but I am looking forward to the year ahead and reflecting on all of the GREAT things that happened this past year.
That’s why we’re gifting you with a REWIND episode of our #1 downloaded podcast episode today!
Have a listen and enjoy. It’s a great one and I’m super grateful for YOU!
When you're the most interesting person in the room, you're in the wrong room!
Mike recently had the pleasure of sitting down to interview Rich Litvin, “The Accidental Entrepreneur,” for this podcast. In case you’re not familiar, Rich is a hugely successful author of three bestselling books, he runs a high level mastermind group, and is a highly sought after business coach who only works with five clients per year and gets $100,000 per client!
Why is Rich “The Accidental Entrepreneur”? Well … because his dad was an entrepreneur and did his best to persuade his three sons to do anything BUT become entrepreneurs. But it turns out, many years later, guess what all three sons are! Yup, you guessed it. They’re entrepreneurs!
He was a high school teacher for 15 years and eventually a vice principal because that is his passion. But he lost his job in 2005 and began a new career as a coach. He didn't know you were supposed to have a business plan or how to write a business plan, so for the last 14 years his one-line business plan has been, “Meet fun and interesting people.”
During our time together, Rich and I delve into some pretty interesting subjects that I know you’ll get a lot out of. Have a look:
- The 4% Rule:
• The way to get better when you're an extraordinary top performer, and in an arena where you could die, is to only push yourself 4% beyond your current capabilities. - The Three Traps (that leaders get themselves into in their evolution as business owners, people, and SuperBeings):
• One – The Isolation Trap: “I'm not lonely, but I feel very alone.”
• Two – The Imposter Trap: “People admire me, but I feel like a fraud.”
• Three – The Emptiness Trap: “I have everything I ever wanted, but I feel empty. - Serving people SO powerfully that they never forget your conversation for the rest of their life.
- The power of LISTENING and the willingness to sit in the uncomfortable silence.
- Serving people vs. pleasing people.
- “The dream behind the dream”: The difference between what people SAY they want vs. what they ACTUALLY want.
- “When you're the most interesting person in the room, you're in the wrong room.”
- What are you tolerating?
- Who are you being right now in your life that if your child grew up to be that way, you’d feel like, “How did I miss that?”
- What's the legacy you would leave today if it were your last day on earth vs. the legacy you’d like to leave?”
These are just a few of the incredible highlights from our conversation. Rich has some AMAZING stories to share. You DO NOT want to miss this episode!
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