How To Amplify Your International Capabilities And Opportunities
Episode 58

What’s your favorite country? Favorite location? What’s your favorite CURRENCY?
How would you like an audience of clients from all over the world? Singapore? Paris? Dubai? Japan? New Zealand? Sweden? India? Israel?
Dan Sullivan and I both love to see new trends emerge and watch old ones end but the best is when we get to actually CREATE trends, and that’s what we’ll dive into today on the podcast.
And in this episode, you’re going to learn why we have NOTHING to fear from China or any other country or their currency, and how to prepare yourself for a bigger and better future and world.
Ok, I’m going to say something wildly unpopular, so brace yourself … I’ve LOVED COVID.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch—I have a very good reason. I’ve loved hibernating. I’ve loved the simplicity of life. I’ve had more client activity than I could ever imagine, and a lot of things I’ve been talking about for years and years have happened three to ten times faster than I anticipated because of this pandemic.
And, full disclosure: I’ve had a record number of new client engagements and enrollments from all over the world. Singapore. Europe. India. Canada. Alaska.
It seems everyone wants (and needs) help figuring out how to digitize, virtualize, and dematerialize their business and find ways to automate their business, marketing, and sales.
And I’m taking U.S. dollars and Bitcoin as payment.
That leads us to the tactical part of our conversation today. As business owners and business leaders, how can we tap into international audiences? Dan brought up Mexico specifically, which is something I’m really fascinated by.
What we call the global society, global capitalism, and the global market are the result of decisions made by one country (the U.S.) that has the greatest military in the history of the world. The U.S. also has the biggest consumer market anywhere in the world. Practically anything you want to create someplace else in the world, Americans will buy it.
The other thing that’s very, very powerful is that U.S. currency is actually the only currency in the world.
Everything else is just an investment that you hope works out against the U.S. dollar and that’s because 100% of all commodity trades in the world are done in U.S. dollars. All trade coming out of China and all trade going into China is done in U.S. dollars. Ask the drug and weapons dealers what their preferred currency is. It’s the U.S. dollar.
But historically, the U.S. has always been the seller. As Dan says, the seller is someone who can get rejected. The buyer is the person who does the rejecting. So it makes sense that you always want to be the buyer, right?
In 1945, the U.S. decided that they would sell the rest of the world on the idea that making war with each other was bad. They did this to repair their economies and to get into what became a global economy. They sold the rest of the world that if they use lots of energy, all the energy would be safely protected.
The American people didn’t profit that very much from it (in fact, they lost all their factories to places overseas), starting when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. It was one of the greatest geopolitical events in history that nobody talked about because they didn’t want things to change, as the U.S. had created a really wonderful world.
Now, we think, Americans have fundamentally come to a decision. They’re not going to be the seller anymore; they’re going to be the buyer. They’re going to focus on their own economy, and if you want to be part of the game, make us an offer, and we’ll consider it.
That brings us back to Mexico. The U.S. has looked at all their supply chains around the world and said anything that requires high technology comes back to the United States. Anything that requires cheap labor goes to Mexico. They have massive amounts of young people who can enter the workforce. We think Mexico has a very great future ahead.
What if this is just the first in a long series of scary times, and scary times become the new normal? If you can accept this as the new normal, then you’re going to be further ahead than the people who are always shocked.
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