Making Dreams Come True
Episode 51

What business are you in? What do people call you? How do you introduce yourself? How many competitors do you have? If you don't have competitors, you’re what I call a “Category of One” brand.
How many people today would you consider to be a “Category Of One”?
Oprah? Elon Musk? Warren Buffett? Richard Branson?
I consider myself and my co-host, Dan Sullivan, to be a “Category Of One” because for the past 30 years, we have both been in the business of making dreams come true—for ourselves, our employees, our families, and our clients—and it’s something we’re both very passionate about.
It’s like this … if someone asked me to create the perfect profession for myself, it is and always has been to make dreams come true.
In this episode, Dan and I dive into how we are able to accomplish making dreams come true for our clients. Bottom line is that we’re both in the same business but have different methodologies.
We’ll cover a few client case studies, including:
- Charlie Epstein, a mutual client who had been in the finance business all his life, who we helped turn his dream of performing stand-up comedy into a moneymaking, fulfilling reality. He “makes money funny” with a one-man show called “Yield of Dreams.”
- Brett Kaufman, a very successful real estate developer and visionary, who we helped figure out the best messaging, launch a podcast, and decide on a platform for his greatest creation to date, The Gravity Project (an incredible live/work lifestyle facility that has affordable housing).
- Both are in a “Category of One.”
- Dan started Strategic Coach® because he was a horrible student who barely passed high school. He was incapable of staying awake in a classroom environment. He needed to TEACH in order to stay awake, or be really engaged with activities.
- Thus, Strategic Coach was born—a place where performance is appreciated and the lesson materials are about YOU. You never get bored with yourself, right? It’s everyone’s favorite subject.
- Dan created structures and processes so that everyone is able to amplify their Unique Ability® and have a community where they feel “normal.”
In our experience, most entrepreneurs feel like misfits, outsiders, or aliens because of their unique way of thinking, processing information, and just being in the world. Both Dan and I have been there, and it’s not fun. To have a place where you feel understood, welcome, and appreciated is life-changing, and that’s why we both do what we do. We’re thinking about starting a school called ALIEN UNIVERSITY! What do you think?
- True freedom is what most people say they want, but freedom is only created from the inside out. It takes A LOT of courage to be who you imagine you want to be and block out the people telling you that you can’t.
- In order to lead a whole future, you have to start with a whole present, and you can’t do that if you have a half past. You have to go back and complete the unfinished business from the past before you will have confidence to create an entirely new future.
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