How To Reverse Your Age With Natalie Jill
Episode 42

Our guest this week KILLS FAT for a living. Her name is Natalie Jill and she is a fat loss expert turned high-performance coach. She helps women age in reverse and LEVEL UP in all areas of their lives.
Natalie is a 48-year-old woman and knows all too well the struggles that can come along with aging. About 10 years ago, she lost her house, her retirement, and her marriage, and gained a lot of weight. She hit ROCK BOTTOM.
She had all kinds of nagging “False Assumed Truths” that she believed about herself. She felt too old, too broke, too overweight, and too depressed to do anything, but she knew something had to shift. She changed her state by changing her mindset, turned it all around, got her life back, and became an inspiration to others.
Natalie was on 13 magazine covers after the age of 40 (despite society saying she was too old) and became a master at creating all possibilities from NOTHING.
Although fitness and fat loss programs are what she’s known for, her passion and priority are in the personal development space. She believes “it’s what’s in our heads, our beliefs and our actions that create our realities” because she’s seen it over and over again with her fat loss clients. She changes their state, and next to follow is their weight! It’s not JUST about following a specific diet or doing a workout: “It’s about stepping into TRULY LIVING.”
Natalie Jill is 48 years old and looks 20 years younger. She’s CONSTANTLY asked the question, “How do you do it and how can I do it too?”
She has discovered the solution is two simple words. Two simple words that will change your life forever, reprogram your brain, and get you the body and life you've always wanted:
Everything starts with a decision and surrendering to living in your current reality. Exactly where you are right NOW. Not in the past. Not where you should be. Not where you want to be. Start where you are, surrender, and step into your life.
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