The Best Pitch You’ve Ever Heard!
Episode 30

This Is MY FAVORITE podcast episode!
What if you had just ONE MINUTE to pitch your product, service, company, or yourself to your perfect client? What would you say? What would make them BEG to work with you, buy your product, or invest in your business?
Have you wondered what a WINNING pitch sounds like? You know … the one that could completely change the course of your life and business?
Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to be on “Elevator Pitch” with Have you ever seen the show “Shark Tank”? It’s a bit like that …
It’s really well produced and was a SUPER fun experience. I got to listen to a ton of pitches (both good and bad), but completely blind to the deals and the other judges … that’s part of the fun! The judges can either cut deals together or screw each other over, and it happens. That’s TV. That’s drama. Gotta get those views!
I learned a LOT on this show—plus, it was the first time in 30 years that I had the opportunity to RELAX and JUST be “talent” instead of producer, director, writer, marketer, AND talent for my own productions. The whole experience brought up a burning question … what makes for a really great pitch?
This week on the show, Dan and I dive deep into this subject. Keep reading to hear the BEST pitch you’ve ever heard … AND what Dan shared on the show …
And took place approximately 50 years BC!
Intrigued? I’m not going to give it away … but it’s awesome!
A “pitch” is basically selling yourself, and there are two parts to selling:
- INTELLECTUAL – Engaging another person with a future desirable outcome that REALLY appeals to them AND is good for them.
- EMOTIONAL – Supporting another person to make the emotional ACTION to give them their future desired results.
You HAVE to create rapport, connection, and trust with a potential client. Clarify their past in a way that's meaningful in order to enter the future. You can never have someone committed to a bigger, more confident future unless you let them have a more confident past. One weakness that a lot of entrepreneurs have is that they discount their past, trying to get away from it as fast as they can … but there’s GOLD in the past!
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