Why the US Economy Is Going WARP DRIVE
Episode 126

We Are On The Verge of A Massive BOOM!
Being an American has certainly always had its advantages…
But at this point in history, you should consider yourself LUCKY to be an American citizen.
In today’s episode, Dan and Mike will explain exactly why.
Dan is a HUGE History Buff/Expert and he says, “He’s never seen anything like this before… since he started studying history at the age of 8.”
The US is on the verge of boosting itself into Warp-Drive (faster than the speed of light) and no other country will be able to keep up… Creating HUGE opportunities for “the hungry entrepreneur.”
Watch as Dan and Mike unravel the future opportunities of America’s:
- Economy…
- Trading & Commerce…
- Production/Manufacturing…
- Educational System…
- Population & Consumption…
And so much more.
It’s an exciting new take that goes against the narrative of what the news tells us what the US will look like down the road. Don’t miss this episode…
Key Takeaways
- (16:54) 50% down in 50 years?! [The Future of China… And most of the World]
- (22:14) How the US could go into warp drive and leave everyone behind…
- (26:07) The “New” College. The replacement for Today’s “Education.”
- (28:56) Out with the Old, In with the New.
- (38:36) For the hungry entrepreneur: It's ONLY going to get better!
Additional Resources
- Peter Zeihan’s Book, “The End of The World is Just The Beginning.”
- Get a copy of Mike's NEW, #1 SELLING BOOK, YOUR NEXT ACT!
- If you’re an action taker interested in creating “Your Next Act” and a business you’ll love for the rest of your life, book a call with Mike’s Team TODAY.
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