How To Know When You Need a WHO That Isn’t YOU
Episode 112

SO many entrepreneurs really struggle with this same problem, over and over again.
How Do You Know When You Need a Who That Isn't You?
That’s the primary question Dan and Mike are going to answer in this episode.
It’s all about really understanding what your upper limits or superpowers are, knowing when you're holding yourself back and when you need to find the right WHO.
Today, they'll explore this concept in detail. Mike gets Dan to do a total brain dump on the subject, and they'll discuss what it actually takes to find great team members.
They'll also give you a list of tools, for everyone who's in Strategic Coach, that will help you get past this hump; and it's an incentive if you're not a Strategic Coach member… now would be a really good time to learn a little bit more!
Key Takeaways
- Dan explains why “Great New Who’s are Driven by Great New Goals.” (03:16)
- Mike talks about his personal test for everything as to whether he’s going to do something or not (04:30)
- It’s much easier to find the right who if you’re going for something way bigger than you’ve ever achieved before (16:43)
- Mike talks about how he got clear on what he wanted to do next after he sold his last business (19:36)
- The secret to building a successful coaching program (27:29)
Additional Resources
- Learn more about Strategic Coach and download your free guides
- Apply to work with Mike
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