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Capability Amplifier Podcast
Join the eternally curious, interested, and interesting hosts, Mike Koenigs of the Superpower Accelerator and Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach®, to amplify your capabilities, value, status, and authority on the Capability Amplifier podcast.
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Welcome to the Capability Amplifier Podcast
Join the eternally curious, interested, and interesting hosts, Mike Koenigs of the Superpower Accelerator and Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach®, to amplify your capabilities, value, status, and authority on the Capability Amplifier podcast.
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Just enter your name and email address and we'll notify you when our latest episode has arrived. Don't worry...we hate spam too and respect your privacy.

Welcome to the Capability Amplifier Podcast
Join the eternally curious, interested, and interesting hosts, Mike Koenigs of the Superpower Accelerator and Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach®, to amplify your capabilities, value, status, and authority on the Capability Amplifier podcast.
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Just enter your name and email address and we'll notify you when our latest episode has arrived! Don't worry...we hate spam too and respect your privacy.
How do you amplify and multiply your value in any industry, anywhere in the world so that you can command the highest prices and get paid for who you are, not what you do?
Every business owner, entrepreneur, CEO, executive, and leader goes through multiple phases in our careers and the ways we earn. First, we get paid for what we do, then what we know, and finally who we are ... that is, IF you have the right combination of capabilities amplified with status, authority, and the right mixture of being.
Want to know more about working with Mike Koenigs?
Discover what it would mean for your life and business to experience a SuperPower Accelerator Vision Day!